

Dinosaurs were a common interest for many of our children. When we suggested to the children that we might investigate dinosaurs for our next project there was much excitement and lots of ideas shared by everyone.

Our teaching team got together at a meeting and discussed what new experiences we wanted to offer the children, what our teaching strategies might be and what learning and positive outcomes would be for children as a result of the project work. We brainstormed ideas as a team and with the children at mat time and group times. We found out what the children already knew about dinosaurs and what they wanted to find out and explore.

The children were involved in many new experiences and learned much about the dinosaurs we investigated. We provided the children with the tools, resources and technologies to find out answers and explore working theories. There was great interest from the children and many were passionate about dinosaurs and loved the experiences they were involved in. During the project the children made salt dough dinosaur bones, used the sewing machine to make a soft toy dinosaur, created a collage dinosaur wall chart – numeracy and lots of messy play. There were trips to the local library, designing and making box dinosaur dress ups and fabric dress-ups as well as life cycles and paleontology.

At the end of this project we put on a Dinosaur wearable arts show for our families. We had an amazing turnout with many mums and dads, aunts and uncles, grandparents and younger and older siblings. We had many costumes to show off and what a fantastic job the children all did in modelling them! It was such a fun experience showing off all our hard work. As well as learning about what amazing creatures dinosaurs were there were opportunities for the children to share their ideas and knowledge, be involved, work as a group, get creative and have fun.