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Relationships are key to what we offer children and families at Kidditech and daily communication is vital. One of our teachers will always be available to chat to parents at the start of the day, session change and end of the day. This is a great time to share information about your child, for example, their sleeping and interests. Our parent communication screens show what the children have been up to each day and include photos, a calendar of events coming up and notices. We are happy for you to call to find out how your child’s day is going or share something you may have forgotten at drop off time. You can also converse with us through Storypark or by text. The team regularly shares photos and learning stories in the child eportfolio through Storypark. We believe communication is a strength of ours and we are never too busy to have a chat with parents/whanau.
Anne adding a child’s photo to their storypark eportfolio